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About Us

We are a family of three that value the little things, the simple things, the clean things & the creative things. We love to explore  the beautiful outdoors and enjoy weekend adventures. We have gotten lost on a trail or two but we always manage to find our way. We love tasty home-cooked meals, fresh-squeezed lavender lemonade, grooving to a nice beat, reading with our little & learning new things.


As the seasons pass - life has a unique way of teaching, humbling, guiding, and inviting you on new paths to explore. Our story, our time, our struggles, and our growth are something we are forever grateful for. Whether we know you, personally, or we have yet to cross paths, we are glad you are here. Thank you for taking the time to read a little about us - a family of three behind the name, Sanchez Created.


One last thing, if you enjoy an Amazon delivery (as our family does!) check out some of the items we love and replenish. Our Amazon Storefront is linked below (earns commission). If you want to shift to more simple ingredients, healthier alternatives, and overall more positive products for health, home, play, learning or outdoors - click the link below. Cheers to healthy living!





 With heart,

The Sanchez's

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